Operating Frequency: P-core Base Frequency: 3.6 GHz - E-core Base Frequency: 2.7 GHz
Max Turbo Frequency: Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 Frequency: Up to 5.0 GHz - Single P-core Turbo Frequency: Up to 4.9 GHz - Single E-core Turbo Frequency: Up to 3.8 GHz
L2 Cache: 12MB
L3 Cache: 25MB
Manufacturing Tech: Intel 7
64-Bit Support: Yes
Hyper-Threading Support: Yes
Memory Types: DDR4 3200 / DDR5 4800
Memory Channel: 2
Max Memory Size: 128 GB
Max Memory Bandwidth: 76.8 GB/s
Virtualization Technology Support: Yes
PCI Express Revision: 5.0
Max Number of PCI Express Lanes: 20
Thermal Design Power: Processor Base Power: 125W
Maximum Turbo Power: 190W
Cooling Device: Cooling device not included - Processor Only
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