The LG S-Plus S4-Q12JA2MC is a 1.5 HP cooling-only air conditioner Dual Inverter Compressor™: This technology provides efficient, faster, durable, and quieter cooling. UVnano™: This feature uses UV LED light to remove 99.99% of bacteria, keeping the wind-generating fan clean and fresh. Plasmaster™Ionizer+: This feature removes 99% of adhering bacteria and deodorizes. Faster Cooling: The LG DUAL Inverter Compressor™ allows for faster cooling and comfort. Energy Saving: The air conditioner is designed to reduce energy consumption and electricity bills. Auto Cleaning: This feature automatically dries any moisture inside the air conditioner to ensure it’s always clean. Smart Control: The LG ThinQ™ app allows you to easily connect with your air conditioner.
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