
Baraka Computer Hardware & PC Components Prices in Egypt

MEG Ai1300P PCIE5 Power Supply
MEG Ai1300P PCIE5 Power Supply
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16,500 EGP
MAG A1250GL PCIE5 Power Supply
MAG A1250GL PCIE5 Power Supply
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10,400 EGP
Edge 1000W 80 PLUS Platinum Power Supply
12,999 - 13,500 EGP
Ryzen 7 9800X3D Desktop Processor
Ryzen 7 9800X3D Desktop Processor
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26,500 EGP
H9 Flow Mid Tower Case
H9 Flow Mid Tower Case
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9,500 - 9,750 EGP
CH560 DIGITAL Mid Tower Case
CH560 DIGITAL Mid Tower Case
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5,850 - 6,500 EGP
DeepCool CH780 Mid Tower Case
DeepCool CH780 Mid Tower Case
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10,500 - 10,999 EGP
H7 Flow Mid Tower Case
H7 Flow Mid Tower Case
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8,900 - 9,500 EGP
black ... 9,500 EGP
white ... 8,900 EGP
C200 GLASS Case Mid Tower Case
C200 GLASS Case Mid Tower Case
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2,250 EGP
Core Ultra 5-245KF Processor
Core Ultra 5-245KF Processor
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14,999 EGP
43 items
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